Posted on 5th April 2022
The cub season is well underway, and on top of overseeing the reuniting of 6 cubs back with their family so far this season, we’ve have taken in 5 orphaned cubs who were found on their own. We’re getting calls daily about cubs who are being found wondering around on their own with no adults in sight. It is always best to reunite these cubs with their family, although this isn’t always feasible due to circumstances/location or the state that the cub is in when found, and we end up taking them under our wing for rehabilitation. Eventually they will be released, and for this we are on the lookout for release sites. Check out our fostering page if you think you can help us with a release site:
Posted on 23rd March 2022
As of March 2022 The Fox Rescuers became a Registered Charity (Charity Number 1198272). This has been a long time coming but we are pleased and proud to announce that finally our charity application has been approved by the Charity Commission and we have achieved full charitable status. The structure going forwards will be that we (Paul and Carol) will continue to run the rescue, and as required by the Charity Commission we have 3 trustees.
We also have the ladies who run the Auction Page for us, and a reliable group of volunteers in various areas who we can call on when necessary. Nothing will materially change, we will still be just as committed and dedicated to the rescuing of foxes, but it will make a difference to us financially as Gift Aid and various grants will be open to us which were not available previously.
Thank you all or your incredible support during this period and we hope you will all come along with us on the journey still to come.
Posted on 14th March 2022
We have 5 permanent pens currently under construction, with another to follow and new frames for the 2 ‘hospital’ pens planned. These will all have metal frames and block bases and will be used for foxes who do not need to be in veterinary cages in the unit, and for those who have undergone their initial treatment but who are not yet ready for release, and these pens will afford them more space and privacy. They will also be used extensively during cub season when they will house groups of orphaned cubs prior to them going to foster carers, or to their soft release sites. We also have a second undercover storage area being prepared as we’ve outgrown the current one. Once the storage area and pens are complete we will then embark on putting hard paths through the site to the various areas, and this will make moving around much easier.
In the medium to long term we plan to build a large natural enclosure which can be divided into different sections, with existing natural undergrowth, for more long term patients, or groups of cubs. There will also be a second ‘fox unit’ designed around the needs of orphaned cubs prior to them being ready to move into the outdoor pens. This will also double up as overflow accommodation for adult foxes outside of cub season.