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Berry Berry Berry

Admittance date: 1st January 2025

Berry was cage trapped in order to be treated for mange on the 1st of January. She's also got a bite wound just above her tail and so we'll be getting her to our vets in order to determine whether she needs antibiotics for this as well as the treatment for her severe case of mange.

06/01 - after a visit to our vets, Berry has been prescribed a course of antibiotics for the wound and we're also keeping an eye on strange noises she is making during cleanouts. However, other than a slight murmur that vet heard when assessing her, there's nothing overtly concerning.

10/01 - happy to report that Berry is no longer making rapsy noises during cleanouts, her appetite has improved, and she's looking better, with crust beginning to come off naturally in large amounts.

17/01 - Berry is looking a lot better now, and looks to be ready to go home this coming Sunday.

Berry was released back into the wild on 19th January 2025
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