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Hope Hope

Admittance date: 9th January 2025

Cage trapped in order to be treated for mange, Hope was originally very stressed out on admittance, now allowing us to do a first assessment of him. However, he seems to have settled a bit now and there doesn't appear to be any wounds anywhere on him/no fractures, so we're hoping for a quick turnaround now he's begun treatment for mange.

13/01 - we opted to release Hope after a short stay with us. Considering he'd had the Bravecto treatment which will keep him covered for 3 months, all crust had come loose, and he was not coping in the unit (constantly licking at the kennel door) combined with it being mostly the back area affected and nowhere else, it seemed pointless to keep in any longer. This was also bearing in mind it's currently the mating season and we don't want Hope unecessarily missing out.

Hope was released back into the wild on 12th January 2025
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